Purpose Test Environment for KODIP®KodeClip OLE Interface from Version 2.1.3 Integration You can find further information in the documentation for the functionmodule ISH_N2_KODECLIP. Prerequisites KodeClip must be registered under the ClassID KODIPclp.DiagnoseOP > on the work station.Features Selection Mode> You can transfer a string that contains the ID "OP" or "PROZ", tospecify the KODIP® OPS coding. If instead, you enter the term "ICD",the KODIP® Diagnosis coding is defined. If you use the abbreviation"HIT" in combination with one of these terms (e.g. #HITOP# or #OPHIT#),the system will start the KODIP®KodeClip hit list window. If you do notenter any mode, the program will start in diagnosis mode. Search String for Text Search> Transferring a search string. You can enter several search strings inthis variable. Parameters for Diagnoses> > (maximum of three diagnosesin this test environment 1-3) ICD Text> This variable can contain the description of the ICD-10 Kodes in textform. ICD Code> The ICD-10 code can be transferred to this field. Changeable Indicator 'X'> Indicates whether this entry can be changed or not. Before thisdiagnosis is transferred to KODIP®KodeClip, you can enter "FIXED" or"X" to prevent the entry being changed. KODIP®KodeClip will thendisplay an icon in the form of a closed padlock in the relevant lines. Unique Line ID > This entry is transferred in the interface and cannot be changed byKODIP®KodeClip. it must always be returned as a result variable to thistransfer line. Parameters for Procedures>> (maximum of threeprocedures in this test environment 1-3) OPS Text> This variable can contain the description of the OPS code in text form. OPS Code> The OPS code can be transferred to this field. ÄChangeable indicator 'X'> Indicates whether this entry can be changed or not. Before thisdiagnosis is transferred to KODIP®KodeClip, you can enter "FIXED" or"X" to prevent the entry being changed. KODIP®KodeClip will thendisplay an icon in the form of a closed padlock in the relevant lines. Unique Line ID > This entry is transferred in the interface and cannot be changed byKODIP®KodeClip. it must always be returned as a result variable to thistransfer line.Standard_variants Diagnoses called according to ICD-10 Version 1.3 and proceduresaccording to OPS 2.0 Version 2.1 Output List of all transferred and received fields |