Purpose The program RN2_CLEAR_COMM_LOG deletes all entries from thecommunication log for document communication. You should execute thisreport regularly or schedule it as a background process in order toavoid an unnecessary amount of logged information. The communication log consists of two parts:
- A detailed log (table N2COMM_LOG) contains every message that is
received and sent, additional header data for the message and possiblyinformation about the dispatch process. Every step of a transfer islogged individually - receipt of a document, dispatch of a confirmationto the partner system, manual assignment of document to a patient. Everymessage that is received and dispatched is logged completely.
- In addition, there is also a summarized log (table N2COMM_LOGSTAT). This
log only contains the date and time of the transaction, the status ofprocessing and the communication partners involved. Only one jointstatus entry exists for all part steps of a transfer procedure. This program only deletes the detailed log. Note: >Documents arealso deleted which could not be assigned to a patient and were notassigned manually by a user in the selection period. The summarized log remains despite the execution of the report. Afterthe execution, you are still able to see when and to whom a document wassent.