Title Transport of Parameterized Document Categories (PMDs) Between Systems Purpose The Report RN2UTDTS3> is provided for transporting PMDs betweensystems. The report should always be called from the client from whichthe transport should take place (source client). The result of thisreport is a transport request. The transport of document categories is described in the i.s.h.med > component under Enhanced Basic Data> -> ParameterizedDocument Categories> -> Transport of Document Categories>.Features Selection You can choose between two transport options, accessed using thecorresponding tab page: a customer transport or an SAP transport. In a customer transport, all parameterization data for a documentcategory is written in a transport request. You can also transport alldevelopment objects for this document category, which must not usuallynecessary, as the system creates a separate transport request when theseobjects are created or changed. The SAP transport additionally offers the transport of selecteddevelopment objects for the document category. This is particularlynecessary when you supply standard documents and must thereforetransport generated objects such as tables, function groups/reports, andforms. Source Information> Source information> includes which document categories> fromwhich institution> should be written in a transport request. You only enter a version> if individual document categories shouldbe transported with this function. If several document categories should be transported (generic documentcategory entry is possible), only the current versions are transported.Transport Variants: 1.> Document Category with Element List and Abstract Design(Definition Data)> This variant transports all document category data, which has beenentered in the system administration of the parameterizabledocumentation for this document category. This includes the tablecontents (customizing data). The complete document category definitionis transported to the productive system. 2. All Development Objects for Document Category (Without DefinitionData)> This transport variant provides the option of transporting so-calledrepository objects (client-independent development objects), whichbelong to the document definition. When these repository objects arecreated in the test/development system SAP's Change and Transport System(CTS) usually applies. This automatically creates transport requests,which are transported into the production system separately. This option is only sensible if document categories are developed andsupplied for an external target system. This is necessary, for example,for consulting companies who wish to provide their customers withdocuments. Before executing the transport program, we recommend a test run, inparticular with the transport variant with development objects. Youreceive an overview of all objects which will be written in thetransport request. In the case of table content, this list additionallydisplays the key, and, if applicable, a comment in the case ofdevelopment objects. 3. Transport of Development Objects in SAP Transport Variant> Here you can also additionally select which development objects >should be transported.