Description You can use this program to create a list of the surgeries performed. The institution and data are obligatory entries, whereas you canindividually select the departmental or operating organizational unit,the surgery number, the diagnosis code, and the service code. You can also specify whether the following are to be displayed:secondary surgeries, a link from the secondary surgery to the mainsurgery, the flat rate per case and the procedures surcharges, thedepartmental diagnoses, documents and the times for the surgery start,incision, suture, and surgery end. You can sort the list within the department according to surgery numbersurgery date. The system dynamically determines the position and the anesthesia type,whereby this information exists in the OR documentation. For the position, the system determines the document category identifiedin the document profile as "Surgery Nursing Log" (internal use = O). Inthis, the system searches for the documentation element "N0C_LAGERG" andthen uses its storage location for later reading. If there is nodocumentation element, the system will search in the alias entries. Thisaccessing does not proceed quickly, but it does allow you thepossibility of joining an "old" document category to the evaluation forthe OR register. For the anesthesia type, the system determines document categoryidentified in the document profile as "Anesthesia Log" (internal use =N). For reading this, the system used the documentation element"N0A_ANART". Also for the anesthesia type, the system searches for aliasentries, if the system does not find the documentation element"N0A_ANART" in the document category. The system searches for the anesthesia type in the anesthesiadocumentation as well as in the surgical nursing log. Output The first column contains the surgery number, and if it is a secondarysurgery, it will display the main surgery number, if desired. The second column lists the anesthesia type, the positioning type andthe surgery team. The third column displays the diagnoses and the ICPM services where youcan select Block Mode> or Hierarchic Diagnoses-ProceduresDisplay>. The Block Mode> displays all diagnoses first, and then allprocedures. If you display diagnoses and procedures hierarchically >, then the system will display each diagnosis with the proceduresassigned to it, where the diagnoses are indicated by a "*>" in thefirst column, and the procedures with a "->". Diagnoses andprocedures for which there is no assignment are also displayed here inBlock Mode>, and also indicated with a "*>"or "->". You carry out the assignment between procedures and diagnoses in theSurgical Documentation> or in the IS-H OR Nursing>(NP37/NP38). For both display modes, all Flat Rates per Case> andProcedures Surcharges> existing for the case are displayed underdiagnoses and procedures if you have selected With Flat Rate / Proc.Surchrg>. The flat rates per case and procedures surcharges belongingto the current surgery (movement) are indicated by an X >directlyconnected to the key. You can use the checkbox With Diagnosis Typ/Lo/Ce/Ad> to specifywhether the category, localization, the diagnostic certainty andadditional diagnosis will appear (in this order) with the diagnoses. Youcan recognize missing entries by a "-". The fourth column contains the documents and their statuses as well asthe times and their statuses, by which the latter are indicated withRE>, if they have already been released. The system will onlydisplay those documents and times which you have defined it to displayin the OR register. You can suppress both of these displays. The system will display a subtotal for each operating organizationalunit. |