SAP Program RN2LN2HL - List Report OU Diagnosis Hit Lists

The report RN2LN2HL enables an evaluation of the OU-specific diagnosishit lists of an institution.

Necessary for the evaluation is the input of the institution theevaluation refer to.
You can further limit the display by entering additional selectionconditions for the OU.

The display data of the OU diagnosis hit lists is sorted by OU, thediagnosis catalog, prioritization and by the diagnosis code.
The display data of the evaluation report for OU diagnosis hit lists isdisplayed in a hierarchic SAP List-Viewer-List (ALV-List).
The header line of the list includes OU-related information and theposition lines contain the diagnoses assigned to each OU.
The system provides all comfort functions for the presentation of thelist (hide/show columns, sort, and so on).
This display also enables you to store personal layouts and to requestthese as early as the initial screen of the evaluation report.