SAP Program RN2LLPAT - Evaluation for Services, Patients and Employees

The report supplies a detailed overview of the released services that
have been entered by way of functions, the patients for whom
these services were performed, as well as the employees who were
involved when these services were performed for this patient.

The list can be arranged by services, employees or without such.
With the service arrangement, the display has 3 levels:
1st level: List of the services of a catalog.
2nd level: Patient for which the service was performed.
3rd level: Employees who were documented for the performance with thefunction "Employees Involved".
With the employee arrangement, the display also has 3 levels:
1st level: List of the employees who were documented for the performancewith the function "Employees Involved".
2nd level: Services with which the employees were involved.
3rd level: Patient for which the service was performed.
With the without arrangement, the display can have 4 levels:
If the services are displayed here, the display will appear like anX-Ray book.:
1st level: Day display of the services.
2nd level: Patient for which the service was performed.
3rd level: Employees who were documented for the performance with thefunction "Employees Involved".
4th level: If document categories are specified for the request, thesedocuments will be displayed here.
Instead of the three-level output, the document category can also bedisplayed as a two-level variety. For this, up to five fields fromdocument categories can be displayed. If these should be numeric fields,the values are summed up for each case. Otherwise, the field contentsappear individually per line, whereby for each desired field a line isalways produced.
With the Without arrangement, the desired specifications aredisplayed without any arrangement. An exception to this is the displayof services and patients. Here, the services are displayed sorted bydate. The related patients and employees can be displayed.

There are sums displayed at the end of the report:
- How many different services of the catalog selected were performed.
- Number of services actually performed
- Inpatients
- Outpatients
- Other patients
- Total sum
These sums are also displayed with the arrangement by employees. Theycannot be compared to each other, however, since, if necessary, servicesare counted several times with the employee arrangement, if they wereperformed by multiple employees.

Except for the area with services the selection parameters are obvious.
With the employee arrangement, selection can take place by desiredemployee.,,
Individual service:
is a medical service that cannot be subdivided further (foradministrative purposes) due to being released.
Group service:
is a service, to which another service level is subordinate to in thestructure.
This level is achieved by replacing or releasing a medically performablegroup.
Groups without individual services:
Only group services are displayed, without the individual services thatbelong to this group
When releasing a performable medical group, the next (administrative)level is generated and supplied for billing.
Medical Services:
are those services that have the indicator Medical set in the catalog
Nursing Services:
are those services that have the indicator Nursing set in the catalog
Include canceled services:
are any services that have the indicator Canceled.
By selecting the checkbox, canceled services can also be displayed.
Only documented services:
ae services that were entered in an Dialog (these
have an entry in the table NLEM).
By selecting the checkbox, only those group services or individual
services are displayed that were directly assigned with the service
entry in
By releasing the checkbox, those individual services (administrativeservices) will also be displayed that were not directly assigned withthe service entry (under the level of a service group)
Services without findings:
Only such services are listed that have no documents or do not yet havereleased documents.