SAP Program RN2LABDELETE - Delete Data from N2LABCOMM

When transferring laboratory findings, the laboratory values for thebatch input folders are temporarily saved in table N2LABCOMM.Thecomments on the laboratory values are located in the table N2LABORTXT.
If the laboratory values were saved in the document, this data isdeleted from the auxiliary tables N2LABCOMM and N2LABORTXT. Sometimesentries in the table are retained, e.g. if a batch input folder is notprocessed, but deleted.
You can delete these entries from the tables using this report.

To execute this program you need authorization for the authorizationgroup N_0_UTIL of authorization object S_PROGRAM

The findings date was subsequently included in the table N2LABCOMM.Thus, old entries can exist in the table that are not selected with anentry date. If you enter no date, these records are deleted.

You can execute the report in test mode. A log is then output and nochanges are made in the database.