SAP Program RN2GL_RP_RACT - pathways: Evaluation of Activities

This evaluation determines the frequency of activities performed whileprocessing patient pathways.
Examples of activities are:

  • assign pathway

  • terminate pathway

  • cancel step

  • make a decision

  • reset step status

  • You also receive answers to the following questions:
    • How often were patient pathways cancelled?

    • How often was a treatment pathway assigned?

    • How often were pathways terminated?

    • How frequently were steps rejected?

    • How often was a pathway rescheduled due to organizational problems?
    • Selection
      The evaluation is made in each case for a selected activity. You canselect according to treatment pathways or versions, assigningorganizational unit or period of assignment as well as according toprocessing or end status of pathways.
      In order to achieve a satisfying runtime for the analysis, you shouldlimit the quantity of data.

      The data can be displayed either vertically or horizontally.
      You configure in pathway customizing whether users can categorizeactivities during pathway processing.

      Grouping Options

      • treatment pathway

      • version

      • main category

      • category

      • assigning organizational unit

      • assignment year

      • assignment month

      • Goto Options
        • diagram of the treatment pathway

        • clinical information

        • treatment pathway item list

        • Aggregation
          Toggle between activities

          You would like to determine for your organizational unit, how frequentlypatient pathways were terminated in the past year and for what reasonsit occurred. The development of this activity over time is also ofinterest to you.
          On the selection screen select the activity type Cancel pathway
          . Now group according to assignment month and category and enter theorganizational unit and evaluation period.
          In the analysis result you now recognize the temporal development of theactivity Cancel pathway. If you would now like to analyze whichpathways are frequently cancelled, you also group the resultant quantityby the property Treatment pathway.