SAP Program RN2F4_ADMIN_HIT_TREE - Management of Catalog Templates and Hit Lists

You use this report to create a catalog template. This can contain up to5 fields, also from different tables.

The selected tables/fields must refer to the same number of row entries.


The institution, for which a catalog template will be created, must beentered.
You must assign a name for the catalog template. A short name for thisname can be stored.
Up to 5 tables with the corresponding field names can then be entered.The last table/field name combination must always refer to the text tobe displayed in the tree.

A catalog template is created for the entered name.

,,To create a catalog template for the document categories, you shouldproceed as follows:
Institution:,,Your institution
Short name:,,TEST,,Catalog template for document categories of date
1. Table,,N2DT,,Field,,DTID
2. Table,,N2DT,,Field,,DTVERS
3. Table (leave row blank)
4. Table (leave row blank)
5. Table,,N2DTT,,Field,,DTBEZ
With these entries a catalog template is then created, which containsall document categories at the time of creation. You can then use thehit list creation report: RN2F4_ADMIN_HIT_TREE to create the hit listsfor this basic selection.