&PURPOSE&> You can use this report to archive selected documents. Archiving is performed using the SAP ArchiveLink functions. The systemwill only process documents which are not yet archived. The archived document is not deleted from the SAP database. If you wishto remove documents from the SAP system once they have been archived,you must call the report RN2DOC_DELETE_ARCHIVED_DOC>.Prerequisites To execute this program, you will require the authorization for theauthorization group N_2_DV1 in the authorization object S_PROGRAM. The archive format must be determined for each document categoryapplication. Archiving is controlled in SAP using the (archive) documenttype. You must configure an (archive) document type for eachapplication. You can find the ArchiveLink settings in customizing underSAP Web Application Server --> Basis Services --> ArchiveLink -->Basic Customizing>. The (archive) document type is assigned to an(archive) document category which is used to determine the archiveformat.
- For parameterized documents (application PARAMDOKU) you must create an
(archive) document type with the archive document category PDF or OTF.
- For the WORD applications (WINWORD, WORDCONTAINER, etc) you can create a
joint (archive) document type with the archive document category 'DOC'. You must assign each application to a document type, as the (archive)document type is the access point to archiving customizing. Using thedocument type you also make assignments to the other archive customizingsettings, like the object type (SAP Business Object), storage (archive)and link table. All (archive) document types for medical documents mustbe assigned to the object type Medical Document 'BUS1400' inCustomizing> (SAP Web ApplicationServer --> Basic Services --> ArchiveLink --> Basic Customizing --> EditLinks>). You assign (IS-H*MED) document categories application to the (archive)document types in Customizing> ( Industry-Specific Component Clinical System --> ClinicalDocumentation --> Document Definition --> Specify system settings forarchiving applications>).Selection Using the change date, you can also select documents which have not beenchanged, as the system will fill the change date when the document iscreated. Output You can execute the report in test mode. The program will create a logand will make no changes in the database.