Purpose You can run this correction report for each institution, time period,and performing OU. The report will not check canceled service entries. We strongly recommend that you run this report in test mode first. Thisselects the defective service entries but does not yet correct them. The report displays whether defective service entries exist, and checkswhether a reference to a valid movement with the correct date and timeexists for case-related services. When you run the correction (not in test mode) the case-related serviceentries found are corrected. The system replaces the invalid date and time data of the services (NLEMand NLEI) with the corresponding date and time data of the movement data(NBEW). You should note that the report may be time-consuming due tolarge quantities of data. If you have many services (NLEI/NLEM data records) we recommend that yourun the correction report for short periods of time and restrict usingthe performing OU, as otherwise internal tables may overflow. This would cause a runtime error. |