Purpose You can execute this correction report for each institution, period, andperforming OU. The report also checks canceled service entries. We strongly recommend that you execute this report in test mode first,which selects incorrect service entries, but does not correct them. Thereport indicates whether incorrect service entries exist, and alsochecks for caseless services whether a reference to a valid patientnumber exists. If no valid patient number exists for a caseless service,the corresponding row is highlighted in red in the correction report. Inthis case, the correction report will not execute a correction, asrequests and preregistrations may also be affected by this. If you execute the correction (not in test mode), the report willcorrect the service-related service entries found. The system replacesthe invalid patient number from the data record of the medical services(NLEM) with the corresponding valid patient number from the case data(NFAL). You should note that the report may be time-consuming due tolarge data quantities. In the case of many medical services (NLEM datarecords) we recommend you execute the correction report for shortperiods and restrict using the performing OU, as otherwise the internaltables may overflow. This would cause a runtime error. |