Purpose This report selects and, if necessary, corrects any caseless anesthesiaanchor services (incorrect data). On the basis of the institution and an entered service period thisreport selects the OR anchor services for surgeries (ORs). The reportalso determines the anesthesia anchor services associated to these ORanchor services. If necessary the report can connect the caseless anesthesia anchorservices with the case number of the OR anchor service and thus correctand update the data. Note that you must perform this report, before you migrate thepreregistrations in clinical orders (report N1_MIGPRG). Selection The following selection criteria are available:
- Institution
- Start date of performing the service (service date) from - to
- Checkbox Correct Data>
If you check this box, the report corrects the data. If you do not check this box, the execution occurs in test mode.Output The report provides an output list. This output list displays anesthesiaanchor services without case number (caseless anesthesia anchorservices). For each anesthesia anchor service the report shows the followinginformation:
- Service number (column LNRLS>)
- Service description (column Service>)
- Service date (column Service Date>)
- Patient name (column Patient Name>)
- Patient name (column CasNo. OP-AL>)
Activities In order to examine, whether there are caseless anesthesia anchorservices, first execute the report in test mode (the box CorrectData> must not be checked). You will obtain a log showing thoseanesthesia anchor services existing in your system without a casenumber. If the output list contains anesthesia services without a case number,you can execute the report in such a way that it corrects theseincorrect anesthesia services (the box Correct Data >must bechecked).