Purpose The report selects or cancels incorrect appointments and/or clinicalorders, which belong to a patient with provisional master data, who nolonger exists in the system (no entry in table NPAP). You should note that you must execute the report if you use the clinicalsystem (or the component) with Release 6.00 before patch 06. If you usethe clinical system (or the component) with Release 6.00 after patch 06,the execution of the report is not necessary/mandatory. Selection In the 'Appointments' and 'Clinical Orders' blocks you determine whetherthe report should only select/display the incorrect data records orshould also cancel them. 'Appointments' Block
- 'Select Appointments' checkbox: Should appointments be selected?
- Institution
- Date: Creation date of appointment. Enter a shorter period of time, e.g.
one week.
- 'Cancel Appointments' checkbox: Should incorrect appointments be
- Cancellation reason
- Employee responsible
'Clinical Orders' Block
- 'Select Clinical Orders' checkbox: Should appointments be selected?
- Institution
- Date: Creation date of clinical order. Enter a shorter period of time,
e.g. one week.
- 'Cancel Clinical Orders' checkbox: Should incorrect clinical orders be
- Cancellation reason
- Employee responsible
Output Selection When selecting appointments, the report the report displays appointmentsfor provisional patient numbers (NTMN-PAPID), which no longer exist intable NPAP. Fields: ID of appointment (NTMN-TMNID), provisional patient number(NTMN-PAPID) and creation date of appointment (NTMN-ERDAT). When selecting clinical orders, the report displays clinical orders(incl. surgery/treatment items, admission items, appointments, services)for provisional patient numbers (NTMN-PAPID), which no longer exist intable NPAP. Fields: ID of clinical order (N1CORDER-CORDERID), provisional patientnumber (N1CORDER-PAPID), creation date of clinical order(N1CORDER-ERDAT), ID of items (N1VKG-VKGID), sequence numbers ofservices (NLEI-LNRLS), ID of appointment (NTMN-TMNID) Selection and Cancellation Lists the selected data, cancels the data and informs whether thecancellation was successful.