Purpose This report removes duplicate assignments of the clinical order modules"Radiology" and "Transport Order" to order items from the table N1COMPA(assignment of order items to component information). Prerequisites These duplicate entries have been created by the following programerror: When a (new) clinical order (KLAT) is saved. in certainsituations, two identical entries can be created in the table N1COMPA(not including key fields). This affects the "Radiology" and "TransportOrder" components. When an item is added and a subsequent caseassignment is made using the F4 input help, the KLAT process and thecase assignment class (CL_ISH_CASE_CHANGE) save and a duplicate entry isgenerated in the saving KLAT. Selection o Test run If you select this indicator, the report does not make any changes tothe database. o List output If you select this indicator, the system displays an overview of theentries that have been deleted from table N1COMPA. Activities The report deletes duplicate entries from table N1COMPA using the fieldsEXTUID and VKGID. |