SAP Program RN1_CORRECT_APP_ORGFA - Correction Program for Departments in Appointments

This report corrects the department (departmental organizational unit)of inconsistent appointment data records (NAPP).
It functions as follows:

  • Appointment without department:

  • If the appointment is linked to a movement, the system transfers thedepartment of the movement into the appointment when you run the report.
    If the appointment is not linked to a case, the department remains emptywhen you run the report.
    • Department of the appointment is incorrect:

    • If the appointment is linked to a movement, the system transfers thedepartment of the movement into the appointment when you run the report.
      If the appointment is not linked to a movement, the system automaticallydetermines the department from the organizational unit hiararchy whenyou run the report. If the system is able to determine a validdepartment, it transfers it into the appointment. Otherwise, itinitializes the department of the appointment.

      You have to run this correction report for each client in the system.
      Note: Before running this report, you have to implement SAP Note803977 (2004) in IS-H Release 4.63B and 4.71.
      You have to run the report prior to migrating movement data in theclinical order area (for example, when upgrading from IS-H Release4.63B/4.71 to 4.72).

      You can save the result to a file for additional list output.