Report for correcting the appointment template (APCNID) in appointmentsand movements and for correcting the movement (TMNLB) in appointments

Report RN1_CORRECT_APCNID_LFDBEW is used to restore the following links:

  • Appointment with appointment template

  • If field APCNID is not selected for the appointment tempalte in databasetable NTMN, the report copies this field from the preregistration(clinical order).
    • Appointment with movement

    • If a movement (field TMNLB) is specified for the appointment but is notdefined in the database table NTMN for appointments, the report copiesthis movement from the database table NBEW.
      • Movement with appointment template

      • If field APCNID is not selected for the appointment tempalte in databasetable NBEW for movements, the report copies this field from thepreregistration (clinical order).


        • Test mode

        • If you select this indicator, the report does not make any changes onthe database.
          • Start and end dates

          • The report only processes appointments and movements in the specifiedperiod. You must enter the start and end dates.

            This report restores the above links (for example, the link between theappointment and appointment template), which changes the database tablesfor appointments (NTMN) and movements (NBEW).
            When doing this, the report generates the following tables:

            • A table containing the changed appointments

            • A table containing the changed movements

            • A table containing appointments that could not be changed

            • However, it only updates appointments and movements for which a changemust be made.

1109554Planning: Appointment, Movement not Linked with Appointment