Purpose This report lists all patients with their cases, for which two nursingplans are active, due to a program error. Due to a program error the patient's case in use was not locked when anursing plan was created, and it was incorrectly possible for users tosimultaneously enter another nursing plan (second mode) for the samepatient. However, it is not possible for one case to have more than onevalid nursing plan. As a result of this program error, the user couldnot create a movement while releasing services which were created in anursing plan. This results from a timeout of the parallel creatednursing anchor services with overlapping time periods of the case inuse. Using the results list of the report you can end the second nursing planfor all cases for which a second active nursing plan exists, therebyeliminating further effects. Integration Prerequisites Features Selection The institution and date are available as selection criteria.
- If you wish to restrict the report to one day, you must enter the
desired date in the "Date From" as well as the "Date To" fields.
- If you do not fill the "Date To" field, the system will automatically
set the value to "31.12.9999".