Purpose XPRA for Migration of Preregistration Types to Clinical Order Types Features This XPRA migrates existing preregistration types to types of theclinical order. By way of preparation, text elements of the preregistration (tab pagetitles) are also migrated to corresponding design elements and variouscontext assignments are made for the clinical order. A preregistration type is migrated to two order types: a treatment typeand an admission type respectively. The short name assigned to the migrated admission type is the short nameof the corresponding preregistration type appended by _A. The short name assigned to the migrated treatment type is the short nameof the corresponding preregistration type appended by _T. The names of both types are derived from the name of the source typeappended with (A) or (T). The necessary tab pages and components are incorporated dependent on thestructure of the source type. Defined treatment contexts and assignments to the selection list arealso migrated. A special situation arises for requests that ensued directly from thepreregistration. Previously, these requests were linked to the relevantpreregistration using an entry in the corresponding service. This kindof request is associated with the migrated preregistration using aseparate context. This program determines whether such a constellationexists for the corresponding preregistration type on movement level, andif so, it incorporates a context component and the relevant contextsinto the new order types. For further information, see the documentation for the program sourcecode. |