Purpose You use the report RN1STRUCMRCAT to fill the problem catalog table. You should note that the ICPC2 catalog of the WONCA organization is usedas a reference catalog for development. It is not essential that you usethis catalog. You can use any catalog you wish, you are however bound tothe table structure of the catalog table (N1STRUCMEDRECCAT). Integration Call the report using transaction SE38. Prerequisites Features The problem catalog table (N1STRUCMEDRECCAT) is filled by this report. Selection Standard_variants Output Activities You must have stored the file with the problem catalog on theapplication server. You should note that the transmission to theapplication server must take place in ASCII mode. Under 'File' you must enter the file name and pathway, e.g./usr/sap/tmp/problemkatalog.txt Make the storage location known in the report RN1STRUCMRCAT. This reporttransfers the data to the problem catalog table N1STRUCRECMEDCCAT. |