&TITLE&> Report RN1PPR01 Purpose The Report RNVPPR01 enables the evaluation of the data entered for theNursing Staff Regulations (NSR). The evaluation of the NSR data takesplace org. unit-related for an insitution by way of an evaluation andcomparison time. Two different evaluation variants are available: 1) Evaluation of the NSR data for all patients who have had were movedas an inpatient in the evaluation period. Only the nursing categoriesentered in the evaluation period will be included. 2) Case-related evaluation of the NSR data for all cases that weredischarged in the evaluation period. Included here are all movements ofa case as well as those outside of the evaluation period. This can be restricted to: - Age groups (Adult, Adolescent, Child, Newborn/Nursing Baby); - Sex; - Age (from-to); - Case Type (Inpatient, Day Patient) - Duration of Stay, - Diagnoses for Case where this can also be restricted to diagnosistype (Admission, Discharge, Main Diagnosis); - Services for the Case The evaluation data can be displayed in days, percentages or minutes.For the evaluations, the following conditions are included anddetermined: - Intensive care stays of a patient - Absence of a patient - New-born (healthy/ill) - Companions - Stays at an org. unit excluded by the NSR - Minute values for adults with stays of children on non-pediatric org.units - Minute values for adolescents with stays of adults on non-pediatricorg. units - Total number of days for all patients on the ward (care unit) - Minutes per case Prerequisites The entry of the institution and its evaluation period are required. If you want to display the evaluations only for certain care units, youcan select these by using the selection entries for departmental ornursing org. units. When selecting by way of the departmental org.units, the interdisciplinary units involved will be included. If no restriction is made for the departmental or nursing org. unit,the evaluations will be made for all care units of the institution. Using authorizations for the authorization object N_NFKL_PPR>,You can restrict the evaluation of nursing categories to specific org.units. You must make sure that in the evaluation only the data for theorg. units is displayed for which you are authorized. In the implementation guide for the hospital in the section NSR -Specifying Parameters> the parameter of the NSR must be maintained.Features Output The columns in the individual evaluations are to be read as follows: - "A1/S1 - A3/S3": Number of days with "patient group" for all cases ofall patients at the care unit. - "Inten.": Number of days of an "Intensive care stay" for all cases ofall patients at the care unit. - "Absent": Number of days of "Absence" for all cases of all patientsat the care unit. - "H.Newb.": Number of days of "Healthy Newborns" for all cases of allpatients at the care unit. - "w/o p.grp": Number of days without patient group classification forall cases of all patients at the care unit. - "Adm.": Number of hospital admissions for all cases of all patientsat the care unit. - "Cases": Total number of cases of all patients at the care unit. In the display with minute values, the values are displayed inindividual columns in minutes not days. Here, an additional column isdisplayed: - " Min/Case": Average number of minutes per case by which all cases ofall patients at the care unit are included. The display of the percentages specifies what percent of the totalnumber of days the values of the individual categories relate to. |