Title Delivery Room Statistics Integration IS-H*MED/PERINATAL Prerequisites Table N1PDDKSSTA for making limits based on number values. Table N1PDDGKIGEBMOD for distinguishing between a caesarean or vaginaldelivery. For each birth procedure not in "Other", there can only existone entry. For "Other", at least one entry must exist. Features Selection The institution is mandatory entry field. All other fields are optionaland only limit the selection further. Output You can use table N1PDDKSSTA to control the limits for the birthprocedure. If the "error list" checkbox has been set in the selection screen, thenan error list will appear as a display screen, where the individualerror text is either RED (error, the case is not included in the statis tics) or YELLOW (warning, case included) depending the error type. You can press the "Go to Statistics" button to branch to the statisticslist. The short form of the delivery room statistics is meaningful only inconnection with the error list. To include this in the delivery room statistics, the followingconditions must be fulfilled: - the relevant documents "Admission for Birth" and "Birth Data" arealready created - for the selected OU a movement is created in NBEW For multiples, only those children will be included who fulfil theconditions above and are in the selection range, as well as theirmother. If at least one child from multiples is delivered in the surgery, theentire case with all children will be assigned to the surgery. |