SAP Program RN1PFBELEG - Report for Occupancy Control

You can use this report to perform an evaluation of the occupancy of adepartment or a nursing organizational unit (= care unit).
On the initial screen of the report, you can enter the departmentaland/or nursing organizational units. The report evaluates all occupancydata of the departmental and nursing OUs entered (AND condition). Theinitial date is preset with the current date. You can also determine anevaluation period in hours (default value 24 hours).

The following selection parameters are available for the creation of theevaluation:

  • Institution

  • Departmental organizational units

  • Nursing organizational units

  • You have to enter the departmental and/or nursing organizational units.The report evaluates all occupancy data of the departmental and nursingOUs entered. If you enter departmental and nursing organizational units,both entries are taken into account in the selection.
    • Date

    • The system presets the date with the system date. You define the date to
    • be used for calculating the occupancy.
      • Time

      • The time is preset with the system time. You define the time to be usedto calculate the occupancy.
        • Planning horizon (in hours)

        • You specify the evaluation period with the planning horizon. Theplanning horizon is preset with 24 hours.
          • Sex Evaluation

          • You can select between an evaluation of free beds based on the planningcharacteristics entered or the first occupancy of the room.


            The report displays the following information for each care unit:
            According to whether you have selected evaluation by sex free beds aredetermined as follows:

            • Evaluation by planning characteristic:

            • If planning characteristics have been entered for a room's beds, thefree beds are added to the corresponding sex entered in the planningcharacteristics.
              If no planning characteristics have been entered, the report cannotdetermine a sex assignment and assigns the beds to "Free beds m/f".
              • Evaluation by first occupancy:

              • If you have occupied the first bed to be occupied in a room with afemale the report assigns all the free beds in this room to "Free
                If you have occupied the first bed to be occupied in a room with a malethe report assigns all the free beds in this room to "Free beds m".
                If several beds are occupied with patients of different sexes in a room,the system assigns all the free beds to the category "Free beds m/f".This also applies if a patient's sex is unknown.
                If no bed is occupied in a room, the report cannot determine a sexassignment and assigns the beds to "Free beds m/f".
                Irrespective of the evaluation method selected the result of the reportdisplays the following information:
                • Non-occupiable beds (= blocked beds): Number of beds which have
                • the blocking indicator set. You can set this indicator when defining theplanning characteristics for building units.
                  • Excess/insufficient coverage of A1 capacity, A2 capacity and A3
                  • capacity: Comparison of actual and planned values of the number ofpatients in a specific care unit in the corresponding nursing level. Theplanned values are always displayed in parentheses.
                    • Arrivals of A1 patients, A2 patients, and A3 patients within the
                    • selected number of hours: A prerequisite for this is an existingnursing level for the relevant patient.
                      • Number of actual arrivals within the selected number of hours

                      • Number of planned arrivals within the selected number of hours

                      • Number of planned departures within the selected number of hours

                      • In its evaluation of free beds the report takes all beds into accountfor which either bed location for normal beds, bed location for specialbeds or bed location for emergency beds and the indicator for a bedlocation are entered as building unit type in the customizing. Thesebeds also have to be assigned to a building unit which has sickroomswith room indicator set as building unit type.
                        If you accommodate patients in a room without bed assignment, availableunoccupied beds are also displayed as free beds, from which the reportthen goes on to deduct the non-occupiable beds.
