Title Time Stamp Statistics The report RN1OPZST enables the detailed evaluation of surgery-relevantdurations and the display of the results according to various groupings.It is accessed via the SAP Easy Access menu via Clinical System -> OR ->Evaluations - Surgery System. One focal point of the statistics is the display of time stamp intervalsdefined using SAP Easy Access Clinical System -> Basic Clinical Data ->Surgery System -> OR Documentation -> Time Definition -> N2ZP Maintain. Features Selection You determine the surgeries to be evaluated by selecting the institutionand a period of time. You can restrict your selection to operatingorganizational units and two service catalogs, and to any time durationse.g. surgery duration, incision-suture-time, narcosis duration,preparation time, and clean-up time. If no selection criteria is entered for the organizational unit, all OUsof the operating type (OU parameter OE_TYP is set to OP) are selected. When selecting the services you can choose between various catalogs andrestrict the evaluation to a specific service. The in-house catalog isthe catalog which was entered in the system parameter GTARIF, the ICPMcatalog is entered in system parameter OP_TARIF. You can also select according to the service status. In this case, youmust either have entered a service in the selection criteria or selectedthe Service value for 'Grouped by' in the selection screen. If this isnot the case, the selection using the service status will have no effecton the results! The institution, surgery date, and time stamps are required entries. Calculation of Duration The duration of a surgery can be calculated for time stamp durations: Time Stamp Durations> Evaluations can be created for all time durations defined in transactionN2ZP (Type column = D), e.g.: surgery duration, narcosis duration, etc.. The system will ignore surgeries for which the corresponding time stampshave not been maintained.Output The relevant surgeries are determined using the selections made on theinitial screen. The display can be grouped according to time stamps, by OU, or byservice. The duration is calculated in minutes using the time pairs and totaled.The total is then divided by the number of selected surgeries and thearithmetic mean is calculated for each group. Within the framework of time stamp statistics, the system will only usesurgeries which have already taken place. Scheduled surgeries are notincluded in the evaluation. The report will supply the duration of secondary surgeries if theselection criteria includes a time stamp for the duration of thesecondary surgery AND the "With Secondary Surgery" checkbox is active. The "With Detail Display" checkbox refers to whether all groups shouldbe initially displayed in expanded form. If you selected service-oriented display, the system will display allsurgery services (requested services and intraoperative procedures)separately. The surgery duration is then always the same. If several time stamp intervals are selected, a surgery may be displayedin the results several times. |