Purpose The report RN1OPAST enables a detailed evaluation of surgery-relevantdurations and the display of the results according to various groupings.You can access this report from the SAP Easy Access menu via ClinicalSystem -> Surgery Evaluations -> Surgery System. A focal point of the statistics is the display of surgery durations inrelation to the opening times of the operating rooms. You enter theopening times of a room via SAP Easy Access Hospital -> Basic DataAdministration -> Hospital Structure -> Organizational Structure ->Planning Object -> Create. Selection You determine the surgeries to be evaluated by entering the institutionand a period of time. You can limit your selection to specific operatingorganizational units and rooms, as well as to specific time stamps, forexample, surgery duration, incision-suture time, and secondary surgeryincision-suture time. Institution, surgery date, and time stamps are required entries. The surgery will not appear in the report until the corresponding timeshave been entered. Calculation of Duration> The duration of a surgery can be calculated for time stamps or the totalduration: Time Stamps> Evaluations can be created for all time durations defined in transactionN2ZP (Type column = #D#). For example, the surgery duration, anesthesiaduration, duration of narcosis. Surgeries for which the corresponding time stamps have not beenmaintained, will be ignored. Total Duration> The total duration of a surgery is used (from the chronologically firstto the chronologically last time stamp). For this purpose, at least twotimes must be documented for the surgery. Sort Order > You can sort by operating room or by time stamp. If you sort by operating room, the system will display each operatingroom separately in the selection. When sorted by time stamp, the systemwill display the results grouped according to the time stamps entered inthe initial screen.Output If sorted by operating room, system will group according to the room.Below the room, the system will list all organizational units which haveused the operating room for surgeries during the period entered. Thesystem will display the evaluations according to the selected timestamps, each in a separate row. If sorted by time stamp, the system will group according to the timestamps entered in the initial screen. Below this, the system willdisplay the various rooms and the assigned surgeries. For each time stamp, the system will break down the duration into normaland lock times. Lock times are times outside of the opening hours of theoperating room. The hot spot (+) to the left of the time stamp or next to the operatingOU enables a view of all surgeries included in the group. Output Values> The Normal Time column contains the durations of the selected surgerieswhich fall within the opening times. If, for example, a surgery startsat 10:45 and the opening times of the operating room begins at 11:00,the system will not include the first fifteen minutes in the normaltime. The Remaining Time column contains the durations of surgeries, whichbegin or end outside the opening times. If, for example, a surgery endsat 18:15 and the operating room is only open until 18:00, #15 minutes#will be entered in this column. The normal capacity of an operating room is defined in the availabletime slots of the day and week programs of the corresponding planningobject. The remaining time is the difference between the normal capacities and24 hours totaled over the selection period. The capacity displays the relationship of normal time to normal capacityin percent. |