SAP Program RN1GENERATE_ADMISSIONDATE - Generate Admission Appointments for Preregistrations

Generate Admission Appointments for Preregistrations

Inpatient admission appointments are introduced in Release4.63. An inpatient admission appointment saves the

  • Point in time: day, time (optional)

  • Care unit

  • Inpatient scheduling types.

  • Users can define the inpatient scheduling type. This can, for example,contain the planned length of time the patient is to be on the careunit.
    An admission appointment is entered together with a preregistration. Itcan exist for a real patient, or for a patient with provisional masterdata.
    As of Release 4.63, when you enter an admission date along with a careunit in the preregistration, creates an admission appointmentin tables NTMN and NAPP.
    In releases up to and including 4.62, you could enter an admission dateand an organizational unit for admission. These specifications were,however, stored as attributes in table N1VKG.
    Upgrading to Release 4.63 requires you to migrate these attributes foradmission appointments. Program RN1GENERATE_ADMISSIONDATE does this asdescribed under &OUTPUT&.

    To be able to execute this migration program, the followingprerequisites must be satisfied:
    All care units for which admission appointments are to be created mustaccommodate admission planning. The following short checklist appliesfor each of these care units:

    • At least one inpatient scheduling type
    • must be defined.
      • A planning object has been created for the care unit.

      • You are not required to have defined day programs and admission quotas
      • to be able to migrate the data.


        Only preregistrations without cases are relevant for migration. If apreregistration is linked to a case, an admission must have already beenentered for the patient. In such cases, it is not necessary toregenerate and admission appointment.
        In turn, only caseless preregistrations

        • For which an admission date has been entered

        • That are not canceled

        • For which an admission appointment has still to be entered (i.e. have
        • not yet been migrated) are relevant.
          Note: The migration program does not create an admission appointment fora preregistration for which a care unit has been specified without anadmission date. These preregistrations continue to be shown under theheading Without Admission Appointment in the preregistrationlist. The system creates an admission appointment for the planned careunit when the user assigns an admission appointment to the patient.
          Migration is carried out on an organizational unit basis. A program runmigrates all preregistrations entered for a particular organizationalunit (OU). You specify this organizational unit in the TreatmentOrg. Unit field on the program selection screen. This is any servicefacility for which patients are preregistered for surgery or treatment.The specification you make in the Treatment Org. Unit field isinterpreted without hierarchy, in other words, a migration run isto be performed for all organizational units in which you preregisterpatients.
          All admission appointments resulting from a program run are created witha particular inpatient scheduling type. You specify this inpatientscheduling type on the selection screen.
          You can also carry out the migration in a test run. The test runoperates on the same lines as an actual migration without actuallymodifying data.

          By default, the migration program outputs all preregistrations thatcannot be migrated automatically. By selecting Output MigratedPrereg. on the selection screen you can have the system display thesuccessfully migrated preregistrations too.
          The preregistrations output are differentiated as follows:

          • Preregistrations that can be migrated automatically

          • The system outputs these in green. They include:
            All preregistrations for which the case type inpatient or daypatient, an admission date and a care unit are entered.
            All preregistrations for which the case type inpatient or daypatient and an admission date are entered without a care unit. Sinceadmission appointments cannot be booked without a care unit, the systemuses a default care unit that you specify on the selection screen. Ifyou cannot specify an actual care unit, create an "admission unit" forthis purpose. The department for which the patient is preregistered mustbe able to assign patients to beds on this unit, according to thedefined organizational hierarchy and inter-departmental assignmentrules.
            • Preregistrations that can be migrated, but for which an admission
            • appointment cannot be created on account of missing master data. Thesystem outputs these preregistrations in yellow. The following causesare possible:
              A planning object is not defined for this care unit, or specify adifferent care unit, or no care unit at all by choosing ChangePreregistration. You can then run the migration program again.
              The department treating the patient is not permitted by theorganizational hierarchy and inter-departmental assignment rules tooccupy the care unit specified in the preregistration with the patient.Check the occupancy rules for your institution, or specify another careunit, or no care unit at all by choosing Change Preregistration.You can then run the migration program again.
              • Preregistrations that cannot be migrated automatically.

              • The system outputs these preregistrations in red. These are allpreregistrations for which a case type has not been entered. You canselect these preregistrations, and then use pushbuttons to process themas follows:
                Assign the case type "inpatient" or "day patient" using pushbuttons. Thepreregistration is then migrated as described above.
                If the case type is neither "inpatient" nor "day patient", it must beoutpatient. In such cases, an admission date is not required. Thepatient appears in the OR plan or in the outpatient clinic/servicefacility on the day for which his or her appointment for surgery ortreatment is scheduled. You can delete the admission date from thepreregistration using the Delete Admission Date pushbutton.
                • You can call preregistrations and change them manually using the
                • Change Preregistration pushbutton. The preregistration dialogfrom Release 4.62 is used.