Description With this report you can import outpatient cases with a batch input by way of the transaction NP40. For errant records, a batch input session fo9 the transaction NP40 (create outpatient case) will be created. Here a sequential dataset will be read and processed using thestructure information tables TNT2 and TNT2S. If you would like to testthe import of the sequential dataset, you can run the report in thetest mode. Here, no batch input session will be created, but only thefield values will be displayed on the appropriate screens. The testmode is especially intended for checking the structuraal definition ofthe sequential dataset. Precondition If the length of a record in the seq. dataset is greater than 1024Bytes, then the length of the buffer-variable REC in the include reportRNIFAM02 will be changed appropriately. A structural definition must exist for the sequential dataset (tablesTNT2 and TNT2S). At the start of the report, you also have to enter therecord identifier of the records to be processed along with the fullname of the sequential dataset. If the sequential dataset containsdifferent types of records, then the appropriate field must be checkedoff in the selection screen and the offset and the length of the recordtype indicator must be entered. If the internal number assignment isnot in use, please make sure that the external number being used fallswithin the appropriate number range (definition in table TNKRS). Possibly necessary conversions of the field formats can be executed inthe following manner: Define an appropriate form routine in the report RNILSI20. All changesin the format can be executed with the field symbols which you assignsuccessively to the formal parameter. Conversion should be designed sothat a valid entry format for each entry field is satisfied. You canenter the name of the form routine into the field TNT2-FORM of thetable TNT2. To read the patient nummer from the patient-case relationship table,the indicator 'Refresh' must be checked off in the selectionscreen. To change a case or create a new one, the indicator must be read from the seq. file. You also have to check off the indicator 'Check Update/Insert ind.' The 'Update/Insert ind.' must occupy the last position in the seq.file, and has to be entered at 'Position of Update/Insert ind.' Output If the field "Test mode" is checked off, then no batch input sessionwill be created. On the screen you will receive only output from thescreens filled-in. If you check off the "Error log", possible errorswill be logged for you. The "Total log" shows you all screen fieldswith each of the field contents. If you have created a batch input session, you can edit this with thetransaction SM35 (System -> Services -> Batch-Input -> Edit), that is,analyze it and if necessary process it. Example Examples of form routines can be taken from the report RNILSI20. An example of the structural description of a data record for creatingan outpatient case is located under the identifier RNFAM in the tablesTNT2 and TNT2S. Here different data records are referred to, differentiated by therecord type (FAM, LEI, VER, BHS, BM1-BM3). For every record of typeFAM, there can be as many records of the other record types as isdesired. The BM* records be used for creating unstructured informationin the form of long text (in Sapscript format). Here a comments fieldin the corresponding screen is selected from the batch input report andfilled in line by line from an internal table. Also, an undefinedamount of records of the type "BHS" (treatment certificate), "VER"(insurance) and of the type "LEI" (service), can exist for a record"FAM" (this record type is coded internally in the report as a mainrecord type). Should a dependent coverage exist in the insurancerelationship, then at least the last name of the main isured personshould be given. |