Description With this report you can load inpatient cases with a batch-input using the transaction NP11. Errored records will be stored in a batch-input-session for the transaction NP11 (create outpatient admission). With this, a sequential dataset will be read and processed withstructure information tables TNT2 and TNT2S. If you would like next totest the sequential dataset, you can run the report in the test mode.Doing this, no batch-input-session wiil be created, but only the fieldvalues will be shown on the appropriate screens. The test mode isespecially adapted for checking the structure definition of thesequential dataset. Precondition If the record length of the seq. dataset is more than 1024 Bytes, thenthe length of the buffer variable REC in the include report RNIFAL02must be changed appropriately. A structure definition must exist for the sequential dataset (tablesTNT2 and TNT2S). At the start of the report you must also enter thecode of the records to be processed and the entire name of thesequential dataset. If the sequential dataset contains various types ofrecords (this is normally the case), then the appropriate field has tobe checked off in the selection screen . If necessary, you can convert the field formats in the followingmanner: Define an appropriate form routine in the report RNILSI20. You canexecute all changes to the format with the field symbol . Theconversion should be so set up that a valid input format for each entryfield is created. You can enter the name of the form routine in thefield TNT2-FORM of the table TNT2. In order to read the patient number from the patient-case-reference table lesen, the indicator 'Refresh' has to be checked off on the selection screen. In ordr to change a case or create a new one, the indicator from the seq. file must be read. Here you have to check off the indicator 'Check Update/Insert-Indicator'. The 'Update/Insert-IND' must be located in the last position of the seq. file, and must be entered at 'Position of Update/Insert-IND'.Output If the field "Test mode" is checked off, no batch-input-session will becreated. Check off the "Error log", possible errors will be logged foryou. The "Total log" will show you all screen fields with each of thefields' contents. If you have created a batch-input-session, you can process this withTransaction SM35 (System -> Services -> Batch-Input -> Process) as wellanalyze it and if needed, execute it. Example You can find examples of form routines in the report RNILSI20. An example of the structure description of a data record for inpatientadmission can be found with the code RNFAL in the tables TNT2 andTNT2S. This is intended for various data records differentiated by the recordtype (FAL, BEM, LEI, VER)). For every record with the record type FALthere can be any preferred number of record types. The BEM records canbe used to create unstructured information as Long text (in theSapscript format). The comments field on the screen "Change inpatientadmission data" is also selected from the batch-input report and filledline by line from a table filled previously with records of the recordtype BEM. Also any preferred number of records of the category "VER"(for insurance relationship) and of the category "LEI" (for service)for a record FAL may exist (this record type is coded internally in thereport as a main record type.) |