Purpose You use the Initial Data Load> RM_INITIAL_DATA_LOAD report totransfer recipe data from non-SAP systems or recipes from the ProductionPlanning for Process Industries (PP-PI) component to Recipe Management. You cannot >use this report to edit data that is not>dependent on a recipe, for example, independent formulas.Prerequisites The recipe data must be available as an XML file. You can use thereport RM_RECIPE_SAMPLE_DATA >to createand edit the XML file. You must have created all the master data required for the recipes inthe system. This data includes:
- Materials
- Substances
- Classes
- Documents
- Process parameters
Take the additional notes forcreating the XML file >into account.Features When you execute this report, the system creates all recipes that existin the XML file with the objects that depend on them. The system does not >take change states into account.Activities You can execute the report as follows:
- Execute report and skip any recipes with errors:
You specify that the report terminates the editing of the recipe at thefirst error and choose Execute>. The system creates all recipes that do not contain errors. If an error occurs in a recipe, the system stops checking the recipestraight away and goes to the next recipe. Therefore, the data of thefirst recipe may contain other errors that are not found by the systemat this point and are therefore not listed in the log afterwards. In the log, check which recipes could not be transferred. Correct the data containing errors in the XML file as required by themessages and execute the report again. The system skips recipes created the first time the report was executedand creates all other recipes.
- Execute report and save all recipes:
You specify that recipes with errors are to be saved too and choose Execute>. The system creates all recipes. In the log, you check which data containing errors was transferred. Unlike in the previous case ("Execute report and skip any recipes witherrors"), the system checks all recipe data; the log provides a completelist of all data containing errors. Since the report cannot change any existing data, you correct theseerrors manually in the Recipe Workbench afterwards.
- Execute report with test run:
If you want to ensure that the system creates all recipes correctly thefirst time the report is executed, carry out a test run beforehand. Select the Test Run Without Saving Data> indicator on the initialscreen and choose Execute>. The system tries to create all recipes but does not save them. In the log, check whether the data would have been transferredsuccessfully. Correct the XML file, as required. Deselect the Test Run Without Saving Data> indicator and chooseExecute> again. The system then creates all recipes without any errors.