SAP Program RMXTP_LABELS_STABI_STUDY_PRINT - QM Label Printing for Several Physical Samples

Program RQPRPP10 is used for printing labels for physical samples.
A table of physical samples, containing the physical-sample record,physical-sample drawing, inspection lot, and the "Original Printouts"indicator, is transferred via the memory. Material master data is readin the program.
A SAPscript form is used for printing.

The form and program are assigned in Customizing(Define Print Control, Forms, PrintPrograms). The standard order type for physical-sample labels isQM03.
Form QM_SAMPLE_LABEL 1 is defined in the standard Customizing settings.

A spool request is generated each time the report is called up.

The function moduleQPRP_LABEL_PRINT_MULTIPLE_1 isprovided in the standard system for transferring the data to be printed.This function module can be changed in the IMG activityDefine Physical-Sample Types.