SAP Program RMQUOT00 - Check Product Allocation Settings in Customizing

This program checks the Customizing settings you have made for the SDfunction "product allocations". It checks theinformation structures you haveentered in table T190H (Customizing activity Availability checkagainst product allocation -> Specify hierarchy -> Maintain productallocations hierarchy) against the product allocations contained intable T190 (Customizing activity Availability check against productallocation -> Control product allocation).
The validity end date of a product allocation must correspond to theend of a period in the information structure.
An information structure you use for product allocations must fulfillthe following criteria:

  • The information structure contains a valid period:

  • For business year periods, a fiscal year variant has been maintainedwith transactions MC7F and OMO1. This variant has been defined in theCustomizing activity Financial Accounting Global Settings -> FiscalYear -> Maintain fiscal year variant (tables T009 and T009B).
    The storage periodicity you use for planning product allocations is thesame as the update period you use for updating. Maintain the storageperiodicity with transaction MC7F (table T445A). Maintain the updateperiod with transaction OMO1 (table TMC4).
    • The characteristics in the information
    • structure must come from the following sources:
      The first characteristic must be "product allocation object" (fieldname KONOB).
      Additional characteristics must come from tables or views that are usedin Sales Order Processing in SD. These characteristics are contained inthe MCVBAK, MCVAP, MCVBKD communication structures.
      You may also define your own characteristics. Their names must beginwith 'Z'. To assign values to these characteristics, apply functionmodule EXIT_SAPLQUOT_001 of functional enhancement SDQUX001(transaction CMOD). The system does not check whether or not thisfunction module is called.
      • The key figures in the information structure
      • must include "incoming orders quantity" (field name AEMENGE) and"product allocation quantity" (KCQTY).
        You can limit the check to specific product allocation determinationprocedures.
        To find out which information structures are suitable for planningproduct allocations, run program RMQUOT10. To enter collectiveallocation characteristics, run program RMQUOT01.

        You need to have configured product allocations in Customizing forSales & Distribution (Basic Functions -> Availability check andtransfer of requirements -> Availability check -> Availability checkagainst product allocation).

        The system issues a list of warnings and errors for every Customizingentry in product allocations processing. These are the same messagesthat are issued in Customizing.
        To have the system issue the program parameters select Issuesparameters.