Purpose The records directory lists all records of a Records Management System. It provides a complete overview of all records of a public authority. Prerequisites You can define settings on the display and change options of attributesof records using the table RMPS_REPLISTATTR. The record attribute must be entered in the table for this. Selection You can include deleted records in the display by setting the checkbox"Include Deleted Records". Example If you want to be able to change the attribute "Disposal Status", youhave to set the value "X" in the field DISPLAY_CHNGMODE for theattribute RMPS_DOM_DISPOSAL_STATE (disposal status). If you do not want a particular attribute to be displayed, set the value"X" in the field DISPLAY_NO_OUT. You can also change the order of the display in the field DISPLAY_ORDER. The additional settings are technical settings which can only be made bythe administrator. |