Purpose Using this program, you can create a disposal catalog and delete casesfrom the system from this catalog and/or create a list of providers forthe evaluation of the cases by the central archive. Prerequisites Cases that you want to delet must have the disposal status To beDeleted>. Cases for which you want to create a list of providers for the centralarchive must have the disposal status To be Provided>. Note:> If no disposal status was defined when the record plan itemwas created, you can define the status using the programDefinition of Retention Periods>(RMPS_CHECK_STORAGE_PERIOD).Selection The program only selects the cases that have been processed completelywith a retention period that expired on the disposal date entered. If the disposal date is in the future, you can only delete cases (withdisposal status To be Deleted>) with a retention period that endsearlier or on the current date.Activities The cases to be deleted and/or to be provided are displayed with theirsuperior record in the tree overview in accordance with the selectioncriteria. The cases to be deleted are marked red. Cases to be provided are markedgreen. Cases that have already been displayed are flagged with a special icon.You cannot enter these cases in the list of providers again. To delete the cases, select the cases to be deleted and then chooseDelete>. The deletion is logged. To create a list of providers, select the cases to be included andchoose Create List of Providers>. The list of providers consists of three files which are saved locally onyour PC.
- File with data record description for reference unit
- File with data record description for record
- File with data record description for cases
Then you have to transfer the list of providers to the central archivein electronic form. The central archive decides whether cases should betransferred to the central archive or can be deleted using the list ofproviders. The central archive creates an evaluation directory that issent back in electronic form. You can load the evaluation directory using the programDisposal> (RMPS_RATING_LIST) and create asubmission directory for the cases to be transferred to the centralarchive and delete the cases that are not to be transferred.