SAP Program RMPR2001 - Deletion Program for Unnecessary Forecasting Data

The program can be used to delete forecast data that is not required.It is primarily intended for entries for combinations of materials andplants with forecast model 0 (no forecast).
Recommendation: You can use the program, for example, if you oftenswitch between forecast model 0 and other forecast models frequently,that is, when articles are only temporarily included in the forecast.


  • You can delete entries from the tables PROP, PROW, PROH, PRON and PROF.

  • On the initial screen, you can select the indicators for
  • Simulation and Deletion log tocarry out test runs.
    • To improve performance, you can deactivate the creation of the deletion
    • log and vary the package size.

363284Deletion of unrequired forecast data
638773Report RMRP2001: If PRDAT, no deletion occurs
614067Report RMPR2001: Error during insert for table MAPR