Purpose Certain data must be identical for all parts in an FFF class toguarantee consistency in full interchangeability. Integration You can direct the system to copy the common data from a reference partto all other parts belonging to the same FFF class as the referencepart.
- If you execute field synchronization in test mode without database
changes you may see inconsistencies between the interchangeable partsof a FFF class> in the log. The field contents of plant-specific fields in the reference part arecopied to the same plant if the target part was also created in thatplant.
- The system does not create new views for the material master of the
target part. The field contents are only copied if the correspondingview to which the field belongs already exists in the master data ofthe target part. This is also valid the other way round, meaning thatif a plant view exists in the target part, but does not exist in thereference part, the system cannot complete the fields in the plant viewof the target part. Apart from the fields set in Customizing, other fields exist in thematerial master and these are also considered in the consistency check.Such fields are Valuation Type> to set split valuation andValuation Class>. The system does not> automaticallysynchronize these fields, instead it warns of inconsistencies. You canset up this message in Customizing under ChangeCharcteristics of System Messages> either as a warning or as anerror. The output messages include the following assignment to the materialmaster fields:
- PIC02 001>:Plant view &2 for target part &1 not available
- PIC02 002>:Plant view &2 for reference part &1 not available
- PIC02 003>:Display of inconsistencies for fields from table MARA
- PIC02 004>:Display of inconsistencies for fields from table MARC
- PIC02 005>:Display of inconsistencies for valuation type
- PIC02 006>:Display of inconsistencies for valuation class
During the inconsistency check, if any error message> arises, thesystem does not synchronize the fields.Prerequisites The fields from tables MARA> or MARC> for the materialmaster for which the data must be identical are determined inCustomizing under List of Common Fields>.You maintain this list in Customizing under Logistics - General =>Part Interchangeability => Determine Common Fields for InterchangeableParts>. For each field you can specify whether to include the checkor not.Features Selection As a selection parameter enter an inventory-managed manufacturerpart number (MPN)> for which you want to synchronize the materialmaster fields with the fields of other MPNs in the same FFF class. Theentered MPN represents the reference part, all other MPNs in the FFFclass are viewed as target parts. The system synchronizes the fields ofthe target parts using the fields from the reference part. If you only want to check the MPNs in an FFF class mark the selectionparameter Test Without DB Change> (marked as default). If youdeactivate this selection parameter the fields of the material masterthat are set up in Customizing are checked and synchronized with eachother.Output The log is output for all parts in the FFF class except for thereference part. The reference part is not in the output because it isnot changed. The output for all other parts is set up so that first all messages forcross-plant fields in the material master are output and then allmessages for plant-specific fields. Each part has its own block. In thetest run at the end of the log you get a message that no changes havebeen made to the database. In synchronization cases, the system outputsa message to show whether the affected parts were changed or not.