Title Report: MPN Conversion Reconciliation Purpose This is an additional report, which enables you to correct the entriesof table MATERIALID after you have activated MPN Conversion incustomizing. Sometimes the originally shipped report takes a long timedepending on the amount of data in table MARA. You can use this reportin such cases. Integration This report runs over table MARA and MATERIALID, so it would benecessary to run the report during off peak times <817>Restrictions: Do not run this report, if you are working with SAPAPO and your product master data has been sent to APO through someintegration model. Prerequisites Do not update database tables: You can select this option to run thereport in test mode.This will simulate the process, but will notupdate the database tables. Show Log: You can use this option, to get the log after running thereport . The log will contain erraneous entries in table MARA whichcannot be corrected automatically. Package Size: Use this option to determine the load on the database.Larger package of data is read from the database, if you selectbigger package size. Hence, you will be minimizing the network trafficto database. Update only affected entry: Use this option to correct only erraneousentries in the database. It will be economical to run this report inthis mode as database update will be minimal. Update all entries: This will update all the Manufacturer Part Numberin database. Features |