Purpose You can use the report>Display List of Invoice Documents> (RMMR1MDI>; transaction codeMIR5>) to display a list of theinvoice documents>. In addition to the existing program Invoice Overview>(transaction code MIR6>), here you have extendedselection criteria and display options:
- Gross invoice amount
- Unplanned delivery costs
- Currency key
- Exchange rate
- Entry date
- Entry time
- Choice between invoice> and
credit memo>
- One-time customer with a
one-time account> In the Invoice Overview> program you can also change invoices,whereas in this report you only have display options. By entering the following data you can increase your selection criteria:
- Entry type
- Invoice status
- Restrictions
Authorization checks> To improve performance, the system only performs an authorization checkat plant level when you want to display an invoice document. Expert mode> In addition to the displayed selection criteria, you can use theExpert Mode> button to show further selection criteria:
- Plant
- Display the number of the accounting document (FI document)
If several FI documents exist for an invoice document, then the outputlist displays a symbol, which you can choose to display the otherdocument numbers.
- Documents with G/L account posting
- Documents with material posting
If you want to display an invoice document in expert mode, and enter aplant, then the system checks the authorization objectM_RECH_WRK> (Invoices: Plant>); activity03=Display, at plant level. SAP recommends starting the report in expert mode in the background, dueto the increased runtimes.Output In the output list, the report displays the numbers of the posted andthe parked invoice documents. The system does not display invoicedocuments that do not have a corresponding FI document, for example,invoice documents that are planned for verification in the background,or that have already been verified with errors. From the output list, you can display the following:
- Invoice document
- FI document or list of FI documents
If more than one FI document is assigned to an invoice document, thenyou can display a list of all corresponding FI documents.
- List of all follow-on documents for an invoice document.