Purpose You can use report RMMR1MDC> to effect automatic settlement ofplanned delivery costs>. If you enter several goods receipts against a purchase order item, thesystem generates one invoice item per condition type for the totalquantity delivered.Prerequisites Authorization check> No authorization check takes place. Customizing> Automatic delivery cost settlement must be active in Customizing forLogistics Invoice Verification for the freight vendor.Selection INCLUDE MMIM_SELEKTION OBJECT DOKU ID TX You can narrow down the transactions in respect of which settlement isto be effected by applying the following selection criteria:
- Company code
- Freight vendor
- Purchase order and PO item
- Bill of lading
You can create invoice documents:
- Per freight vendor
- Per purchase order
- Per PO item
- Per bill of lading
Determination of the data for delivery cost settlement:
- Currency
If the freight vendor is also the vendor to whom the PO is issued, thecurrency is taken from the purchase order. Otherwise the systemdetermines the currency from the vendor master record (purchasing data).
- Terms of payment
The system determines the terms of payment from the vendor master record(payment transactions, accounting).
- Tax code/jurisdiction code
The tax code/jurisdiction code is taken from the relevant PO item. You can use the Business Add-In (BAdI)MRM_ERS_HDAT_MODIFY> (BAdI to changedocument header data in ERS) to change certain PO header data. You can use the BAdI MRM_ERS_IDAT_MODIFY>(BAdI to change document lines in ERS) to change the following itemdata:
- Currency
- Tax code/jurisdiction code
- Index table EKRSDC
You can run the report in test mode. Improving performance> Indexes have been defined for the table EKRSDC (ERS procedure: Planneddelivery costs to be invoiced) to achieve better performance. Theseindexes are supplied with the status 'no database index'. The following indexes exist for table EKRSDC: Index,,Fields 1,,Company code -,,Vendor 2,,Vendor To change the status of the relevant index to 'index on all databasesystems' proceed as follows: Choose initial screen Tools -> ABAP Workbench>. Choose Development -> Dictionary>. Select Database Table>, enter EKRSDC>, and choose Change >. Choose Goto -> Indexes>. You get a list of the two indexes. Position the cursor on the desired index. Click Choose> to accessthe detail screen. Select the field Index On All Database Systems>. Choose Index -> Activate>. Note:> If you run the report in parallel jobs, take care to ensure that thevariants do not overlap. The data records for the settlement of planneddelivery costs (table EKRSDC) are not locked.Output In the standard system supplied, the report outputs a list giving youthe following information:
- Execution in test mode:
Indicator whether the invoice document can be created From the output list, you can display the purchasing document byclicking on its number.
- Execution in update run:
From this output list, you can display the following: Purchase order Invoice Accounting document (FI document) Message Output> A message is generated to inform the freight vendor of settlement.Message schema MR0004 can be used for automatic delivery costsettlement. INCLUDE MMIM_ANZVAR OBJECT DOKU ID TX