Description You use this program to activate the future price of a consignmentmaterial for the vendor. In the following functions, you can specify afuture price together with a date from which the price is to apply:
- Create Vendor Consignment Goods
- Change Vendor Consignment Goods
For the price to be valid on the date specified, you must activate itwith this program. On the initial screen, you can restrict the materials, plants, andvendors that you want the program to consider. You can also specifythe date to which you want the program to consider the future prices;that is, all future vendor consignment prices with a validity dateearlier or the same as the date specified are activated.Output The program issues a list of consignment materials for which thefuture price is activated. For each material, plant, and vendor, itdisplays the old price, the price unit, the new price, and the validitydate. If the parameter Test run> is selected on the initial screen, thelist is only displayed, and the materials concerned not updated.