Description You use this program to generate program parts used to transfer materialmaster data. Since transfer program RMMMBIM0 is delivered in full as standard, you donot normally need program RMMMBIMG. As a result, program RMMMBIMG needsto be run only in the following cases: You want to use structure ZMMH1 to transfer data. You have run program RMMMBIMG with the parameter "Different main datastructure", but want to use standard structure BMMH1. Running program RMMMBIMG regenerates the following programs:
- Include reports RMMMBIMZ and LMATTFD0
These two reports are used in the data transfer program and control thetransfer of main record data for the material. As standard, they aregenerated for the transfer of data in accordance with structure BMMH1.
- Include report RMMMBIMT
This include report is used for displaying the sequential transfer file.