Purpose Prerequisites Features Selection
If header materials are entered, the system considers only thosematerials. If no header materials were entered, the system considers allmaterials found. The program copies materials only for a certain plant. The specifiedplant must exist and be valid. If you select this function, you have to enter a delimitation date. iPPEdetermines all of the new colors from the specified date. ERP searchesfor the corresponding colorless materials for all materials found iniPPE. If a material is not found in ERP, the system does not make a copyprocess for the colored material found in iPPE. If this function is selected, you have to enter a delimitation date. Thedate can be ignored if a date has already been entered in the 'Createcolored copies from new iPPE colors' function. The system checks allselected materials and determines whether new colorless variants havebeen created since the delimitation date. If so, the program searchesfor the corresponding colored materials and generates the missingcolored versions for all available colors. It is sufficient if a coloredmaterial has just one header material. If you select this function, you have to enter a delimitation date. Thedate can be ignored if a date has already been entered in the 'Createcolored copies from new iPPE colors' function. The program checks allselected materials and determines whether changes have been made to thecolorless materials since the specified delimitation date. If so, thechanges to the colorless materials are copied to the relevant coloredmaterials. If this function is selected, material master records are created onlyfor colored versions if the logistics switch is active for the colorlessversions to be copied. If this function is selected, if the program has generated errormessages, it creates an error log for each function called. Statistics are created on request. The program performs all activities but does not generate new materialnumbers and does not write material master records to the database ifthis field is not selected. If you do not want an update, you can get asimulation run, and view and analyze results prior to the update. Inthis case, the lists contain the same data but it is marked SIMULATION. If this field is not selected, the program uses the color supplementrule from the Customizing settings - see transaction code VTCU. In sucha case, any entries in the fields OFFSET and LENGTH do not affect theprogram processing or results. If this field is selected, the program uses the rule specified by theuser in the form OFFSET + LENGTH. It searches for and generates materialcolors only in the specified field area of the long material number. The program writes the last used color rule in table RMMKOP01_VFER andproposes the correct start date in the date fields for the possiblefunctions. In the fields OFFSET + LENGTH, it displays the colorsupplement rule that was used the most to date. |