SAP Program RMMDKP02 - Delete MRP Lists (long-term planning)

Program is used to delete "old" MRP lists that may unnecessarily betaking up space on the database. For this, you can limit the selectionto a particular plant, a planning scenario, and a certain MRPcontroller. These two entries are optional.
If you enter no plant, the system will display a dialog box that drawsyour attention to this fact. You can then enter a plant here, if yousimply forgot to specify one.
A further parameter also makes it possible to limit the selection tothe creation date of the MRP lists. Only those MRP lists are deletedthat were created before the date entered.
It is also possible to only delete those MRP lists that areinconsistent with the planning file. An MRP list is consistent when arecord exists in the planning file from the MRP list that combinesmaterial number, plant and low-level code. If you select thisindicator, the system only deletes MRP lists that are inconsistent tothis rule. However, before this can be successful, the planning fileitself must be consistent. For more information here, please refer toReport RMMDVM10.
Two further indicators are available:

  • test mode

  • This means that no database changes are made, and therefore no MRPlistsare deleted.
    • list display

    • This means that the list of the selected MRP lists are only displayedif the indicator is set.

      The system displays the following information:

      • number of deleted lists

      • a list containing the material number, plant, number and creation date
      • of the deleted MRP lists, if the indicator was set in the initialscreen

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