SAP Program RMMDKP01 - Delete MRP Lists

This program is used for deleting "old" MRP lists that mayunnecessarily be taking up space on the database. You can limit theselection to a certain plant and a certain MRP controller. These twoentries are optional.
If you do not enter a plant, then the system displays a dialog box todraw your attention to this and you can enter a plant here if, bymistake, one has not yet been specified.
The third entry parameter makes it possible to limit the selectionaccording to the creation date of the MRP lists. The system onlydeletes the MRP lists that were created before and up to the date youenter here.
It is also possible to delete only the MRP lists that are notconsistent with the planning file. An MRP list is consistent with theplanning file if a record including material number, plant, and thelow-level code from the MRP list exists in the planning file. If youselect this indicator, the system will only delete MRP lists that areinconsistent. However, a prerequisite for this procedure is of coursethat the planning file itself is consistent. Here, you should refer tothe Report RMMDVM10.
Two further indicators are available:

  • Test mode

  • That is, no database changes are made, therefore no MRP lists aredeleted.
    • List display

    • That is, the list of the selected MRP lists is only displayed if youhave set this indicator.

      The following is listed:

      • The number of deleted lists.

      • A list comprising material number, plant, number and creation date of
      • the deleted MRP lists if you have set the indicator on the initialscreen.

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