- Number of document
- Item of document
- Sequential number of account assignment
- Delivery schedule line counter
- Delivery date (or expected invoice receipt date)
- Company code
- Document date
- Total value LC (LC = local currency)
- Open value LC
- Local currency
- Total value TC (TC = transaction currency)
- Open value TC
- Transaction currency
- Currency exchange rate
- Order value
- Currency in which sales order value is specified
- Vendor
- Partner company ID
- Country of vendor
- Vendor's functional currency
- Own functional currency
- Material number
- Short text of material
- Material group
- Work breakdown structure element (WBS element)
- Network number
Own functional currency:
The report provides three selection options:
Local currency (The local currency is determined from the company codedata.)
Group currency (The corporate group currency is determined from theclient data.)
Manual input
Vendor's functional currency:
The report provides two selection options:
The relevant national currency (In this case, the report determines thefunctional currency of each vendor from the currency of the vendor'scountry. )
Manual input (The manual entry of a currency only makes sense ifselection is restricted to certain vendors.
The vendor corresponds to partner role 'LF'. Other partner roles (e.g.invoicing party, 'RS') are not taken into account.
Calculation of open value:
The open value is calculated from the open quantity (see below)multiplied by the net price. In the case of documents without a quantity(POs for external services, blanket purchase orders, items withinvoicing plan), the open value is determined from the differencebetween PO value and invoice receipt value.
Terms of payment and delivery costs are not taken into account.
Scheduling agreement:
Only scheduling agreement delivery schedule lines are taken intoaccount.
Calculation of open quantity:
If the "delivery completed" indicator has been set, the open quantity isdetermined from the difference between the goods receipt quantity andthe invoice receipt quantity. Otherwise the open quantity is determinedfrom the difference between PO quantity and invoice receipt quantity.
"Delivery completed" indicator, final invoice indicator, deletionindicator:
If these indicators have been set when the report is run, the reportassumes that they were also already set in the same way on the key datefor balance sheet creation. (Reading the change documents is notpossible for performance reasons.) It is therefore advisable to run thereport as closely as possible to this key date.
Minimum PO value:
If you specify a minimum PO value, only those documents are determinedwhose order value (see below) lies above the minimum PO value.
Minimum validity period:
If you specify a minimum validity period, only those documents aredetermined whose validity period exceeds this minimum period.
The validity period is calculated as follows:
If validity period start and end dates are specified in the documentheader, the minimum validity period is calculated from these dates.Otherwise this period is calculated from the difference between thedocument date and the delivery date. Relevant is the item with thelongest validity period.
Material/material group:
These values should only be specified as selection conditions forchecking purposes. If you restrict selection to a certain material, forexample, only items with this material will be selected. This isproblematic since, according to SFAS 133, the whole agreement is alwaysrelevant. The specifications "minimum PO value" and "minimum validityperiod" also then relate merely to the relevant item, not to the wholedocument.
Order value:
The order value corresponds to the total volume of the document. If youspecify a minimum PO value on the initial screen, the order value isdetermined in the same currency in which the minimum PO value isspecified. Otherwise the order value is determined in the transactioncurrency.
Parked invoices:
No parked invoices are taken into account in determining the openvalues.
Invoice receipt/outgoing payment:
A transaction is completed as soon as the incoming invoice has beenposted. Any delays in outgoing payments are not taken into account.
European currencies:
Currencies linked to the euro are treated as if they were the euro.(I.e. if both contractual partners have EUR as the their functionalcurrencies, documents with the currency DEM are not selected.)
Saving the data:
You can save the data in the cluster database INDX. When you save, youwill be asked for the name of a data cluster. Here you can enter any22-character value (e.g. FAS133_01.01.02). If the cluster already exists
, you will be asked whether you want to append the data or overwrite theold data. The data is stored under the area code 'MM',
Please note the following:
- Table INDX is not assigned to any specific applications. Different
applications can store data under the same code and thus each overwritethe other's data.
- There is a risk that the INDX may be reorganized, resulting in the loss
of all data.
- No reports for data transfer are available. This means that in the event
of a change of systems the data should additionally be saved in a localfile.