Description Program RMCVISCP is used when you set up the Sales Information System.It copies or deletes versions under which statistical data is stored.You differentiate the data stored in an information structure by meansof the version to which you assign it. Version "000" contains actualdata, that is, data that has been written to the information structureduring the statistics updating process. Versions beginning with "&("are used to store the intermediate results that occur when aninformation structure is set up. All other versions contain planningdata. The process of setting up an information structure is similar to thatof online updating, except that the data is stored initially in afreely selectable version that begins with "&(", and not under version"000". The data is not copied from this version into version "000"until the setting up process has been completed successfully. ProgramRMCVISCP copies data between versions. To ensure that the old version"000" (that is, previous actual data) is not lost, it is advisable tosave it under a different version. Program RMCVISCP creates this"back-up copy". The program is also used to initialize a version, thatis, to delete the data stored under this version. Parameter description:
- Info structures: Specifies the information structures for which the
function must be carried out.
- Source version: Determines which version should be copied.
- Target version: Determines the version to which the data must be
copied. Any data currently stored under this target version is deleted!
- Delete version?: Indicator which causes a version to be deleted rather
than copied and deactivates the Copy function.
- Version to be deleted: Specifies which version is to be deleted.