Description The XPRA RMCSXPB2 completes the tax table TMCBIWC and deletes the tableentries that are no longer required in the control table RSSGTPDIR forthe program class 'MBL_CODING_TMPL_03', as well as the relevant,generated programs. The table TMCBIWC and the program class 'MBL_CODING_TMPL_03' are usedfrom the version copier for (transfer) information structures (generalinformation structures, for which the LIS environment connection to BWwas generated). Any errors do not take account of the functionality of the versioncopier and the XPRA can be executed again at any time. Missing table entries in the control table TMCBIWC are created whencalling up the version copier. If you cannot delete a copying program, you should create an OnlineService Support message with the component BW-BCT-LO-LIS and the error,program ID, and program name. |