Description Precondition Output Example |
748759 | Upgr. SAP R/3 Enterprise 47x200 SR1 with PI/PI-A/SLL_PI |
700779 | Upgrading SAP ECC 500/600 with PI/PI-A/SLL_PI |
865254 | AUSBS, AUSVN, AUZTB, AUZTV missing in 2LIS_17_I0NOTIF / 18 |
863689 | Missing fields in 2LIS_05_QE1 and 2LIS_05_QE2 |
766603 | Activation problems with extract structures |
651522 | XPRA RMCSBWXP_COM: Business Content incomplete |
681187 | AUSBS, AUSVN, AUZTB & AUZTV fields missing in ext. structure |
640066 | Upgrade: Return code 6 with XPRA RMCSBWXP_COM |
643166 | XPRA RMCSBWXP* - activation error stops the upgrade |
648565 | XPRA RMCSBWXP_COM does not generate anything |
614603 | Skipping releases during the upgrade (jump upgrade) |
489259 | XPRA RMCSBWXP ... terminates with error message D0 322 |