General Description Program RMCP6SOP enables you to continue using the product groups andtheir planning versions which you created in Release 2.2. It convertstable PGPL, the table used by SOP in Release 2.2, into theinformation structure> S076. In some cases, the program is executed automatically when you upgradefrom Release 2.2 to Release 3.0. In other cases, you must execute it inthe background. (Online processing is unsuitable because the programhas a long runtime.)Procedure To schedule a background job for the program: From anywhere in the R/3 System, select System -> Services -> Job->Job definition>. On the screen Define Background Job>, enter a job name. Select Edit -> Steps>. In the window Create Step 1>, click on the pushbuttonABAP/4>. Select Save>. Select Back>. On the screen Define Background Job>, select Edit -> Starttime>. In the window Start Time>, click on the pushbuttonDate/Time>. Enter the date and the time when you want the job to start. SAP advisesthat you schedule the program to run overnight. Save these settings. On the screen Define Background Job>, select Job -> Save>.Technical Description Program RMCP6SOP carries out the following steps: RESET N1 Conversion and creation of data Converts data from tables PGMI and PGZU to the table PGAN. Creates entries in table S076E. Transfers the records from table PGPL (used in Release 2.2) toinformation structure S076, on condition that a valid planning versionfor each product group record in table PGPL exists in table P445V. Theprogram skips records without such a planning version. Updates planning versions of product groups Inactive versions: An entry is made in table P445X for every entry in table P445V. TableS076E is read in this process. If date on which the info structure planning version was created comesafter the creation date of the product group planning version, or ifthe date on which the info structure planning version was last changedcomes before the most recent change date of the product group planningversion, table P44V (the table of information structure planningversions) is updated. This ensures that the oldest product groupcreation date and the most recent product group change date are writtento table P44V for the information structure. Active versions: The same procedure is adopted as for inactive versions. In addition, a copy of the record from table PGPL is created in tablesP445V, P445X, and P44V for the active version '~00'. Table SAUF is updated with the entry 'S076' instead of the entry'PGPL'. The active version is also recorded here as '~00'. Tables T445E, T445A, and T445I are updated. Entries are made in table T445E for existing information structures andthe field names of their units. Only the values of the units then haveto be entered manually (in the Customizing step "Units of fields frominfo structures"). Planning method "D" for delta planning is set in table T445A for allexisting information structures. The storage periodicity is the updateperiod from the information structure. If the storage periodicity is"P", the fiscal year variant is also defined. (See the Customizing step"Planning parameters for info structures".) The indicators in Table T445I are selected by default for key figuresin existing information structures. (You check them in the Customizingstep "Planning parameters for key figures".) |