Description Program for copying long texts to existing classes. Precondition The classes must already have been created. First, create a sequential file corresponding to the structure BAKLAT.This program processes this file. Output If an error occurs, you see a message. Example Always make entries in all fields: Class type, class, text ID, language, short description of long text,format of long text lines, long text line length (max. length 72) Possible text IDs are 0000 (long text) 0001 (standard description) 0002(standard title). 001 / C1 / 0000 / D / Test / * / l1l1l1l1l1 001 / C1 / 0000 / D / Test / / l2l2l2l2l2l2 001 / C1 / 0000 / E / test / * / l1l1l1l1l1 001 / C1 / 0000 / E / test / / l2l2l2l2l2l2 001 / C1 / 0001 / D / Test / * / l1l1l1l1l1 001 / C1 / 0001 / D / Test / / l2l2l2l2l2l2 001 / C1 / 0001 / E / test / * / l1l1l1l1l1 001 / C1 / 0001 / E / test / / l2l2l2l2l2l2 001 / C2 / 0000 / D / Test / * / l1l1l1l1l1 001 / C2 / 0000 / D / Test / / l2l2l2l2l2l2 ... The entries should be sorted according in ascending order of class,text type and language. |