Title Planner Group Analysis Purpose Using this report, you can execute the standard analysis, "planner groupanalysis". Integration The data, which is updated in information structure>S061, forms the basis for the planner group analysis. The data includesthe following characteristics and key figures: Characteristics>:
- Maintenance planning plant
- Maintenance planner group
- Maintenance plant
- Plant section
- Locations
- Functional location
- Equipment
- Assembly
Key figures>
- Completed notifications
- Completed orders
- Number of activities
- Processing days
- Service costs
- Service rate
- Degree of urgency
- Internal wage costs
- Internal material costs
- Internal material
- Internal personnel rate
- Breakdown duration entered
- Orders entered
- Breakdowns entered
- Notifications entered
- External wage costs
- External material costs
- External material rate
- External personnel rate
- Planned orders
- Actual total revenue
- Actual total costs
- Total planning costs
- Estimated total costs
- Mean time to repair
- Degree of planning
- Amount of damage
- Number of causes of damage
- Rush orders
- Other costs
- Unplanned orders
Prerequisites The characteristics and key figures, which you wish to evaluate, musthave been updated in information structure S061. Features The report generates a basic list according to the data that you enteredand the selection criteria that you chose in the selection screen. Thebasic list gives you an overview of the characteristic values for thekey figures. In addition, it offers you various options for drillingdown. Using the drilldown functions, you can display further detailsabout the data in the list. For more information, see the SAP Library under Logistics> ->Logistics - General > -> Logistics information system>.